Monday, June 15, 2009

A New Plaza for Peekskill's New Museum

The City of Peekskill has approved plans and obtained funding for the Lincoln Plaza, a new park in front of the soon-to-be Lincoln Depot Museum. According to the North County News, work on the plaza will start next year and will include construction of a pedestrian bridge across the train tracks to the Riverfront Green park. The plaza and museum will both mark the site where then President-Elect Abraham Lincoln spoke in 1861 from his train, and will commemorate Peekskill's history and role in the abolitionist movement. Plans for the park include a boardwalk along McGregor Brook (a stream running through the site) and murals depicting historic events. The site is envisioned as a stopping point along the Westchester RiverWalk, and is a part of the larger redevelopment plans for the waterfront area. Check out the Lincoln Society for more about the history of the depot (including the text of Lincoln's address), and visit the City of Peekskill website for details on the planned park.
Images: Schematic from the City of Peekskill; Lincoln Depot photo by neatnessdotcom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I adore museums but the proposed Target would have done more to help our economic state that this museum. Oh, I hear some people! A big box store? No!! I understand, I understand- they want Peekskill to be a stop on the "Hudson River Town Express". I understand the big picture they are trying to create- this museum, the new granite curbs, et al. All lovely. I enjoy those things as much as the next yuppie and I do appreciate the historiacal significance of the new museum but it seems like everything that this town has tried has landed a bit flat.