Recent Sales and Deals
HOT Properties,
Just two previously-featured Hot Properties have gone to contract in the 2 weeks since my last roundup on April 28. On the other hand, both listings found potential buyers in a remarkably short time. While these houses are both very appealing and seem like great deals, they don't necessarily appear to be better deals than many other Hot Properties that have been on the market for months. So, why did these two fly off the shelf while others sit?

Featured: April 17, 2008
Asking Price: $699,500
Status: Conditional Contract

Featured: January 2, 2008
Asking Price: $815,000
Status: Sold for $780,000
I have been reading your blog for the past year and LOVE it. I would very much like to send you an email with questions... Small family lost in the real estate market!
I am not sure where to send the letter. Any chance? Thanks and especially for your blog. Katie
The "About the Blog" page (see link on the right sidebar of the homepage) includes a link to my email. Feel free to write me with questions--I'll do my best to answer! I am glad you enjoy the blog.
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