My Commute: A Pictorial
Eye Candy
People are often surprised when I tell them that I enjoy my commute. In truth, the hour I spend getting from my house to Grand Central is usually one of the more pleasant and relaxing ones of the work day. When I first moved up from the city my commute felt like a vacation in the country. Now I'm pretty used to being surrounded by natural beauty, but zipping along the river is always a joy. These photos—never try taking photos with one hand while driving with the other—show what I see on my trip from southern Yorktown to the Croton-Harmon station and the train ride into Manhattan. Just click on the photos at the bottom to get going.
The trip does look very nice. I can see that it would be pleasant. But when you say the trip is one hour, is that exact or are you rounding the number down?
7:02, I timed the trip a few times last week and got between 56 minutes and 62 minutes. Basically, here is how the one hour breaks down: My drive to the station is 10 minutes. I leave a little extra time to allow myself to get a coffee and paper at the station, and just to be safe. Call it an extra 5 minutes. The train ride is 43 minutes. Add 2 minutes to exit the platform, and that is 60 minutes.
Of course, life is never perfect. While the Hudson line has a 98% "on-time rate," the train is sometimes a few minutes late. Sometimes I'm a few minutes late and still catch the train; sometimes I miss the train and need to wait 11 minutes for the next one.
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