Friday, September 28, 2007
Weekend Family Fun
Stuff to do with the little ones:
Mid Autumn Festival Celebrate the moon with paper lanterns, moon cakes, and music. Saturday, 2:00-4:00, Hammond Museum
Seining on the River As part of the Hudson River Vally Ramble, kids can wade into the water and catch, identify, and release some shoreline creatures. Saturday, 10:00, Nature Center, Croton Point Park.
Morning Farm Chores Rise and shine and help care for the farm's animals. Saturday, 8:00, Muscoot Farm
Katonah Fall Festival Old-fashioned fun on Main Street. Saturday 10:00-3:00
Fall Frolics Discover why leaves change color and then make some leafy art. Sunday, 11:00 Teatown Lake Reservation
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
13 Acres, Meditation Room, 1 Bedroom
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Charm, Going Cheap
While this Cortlandt Manor beaut isn't in one of my favorite areas, it is certainly

Prudential Richard Albert Realtors, Google Map
Chow and Choo Choos
One of my favorite places to take my son for lunch is PJ Kelly's restaurant in the old Peekskill train station. The food is decent (a step up from diner fare), but the real draw is the great interior and the track-side patio. The view of the river is wonderful and my son gets a thrill when the trains pass by (and I mean right by!). It's just over the tracks from Riverfront Green Park and makes a great post-playground pit stop. If you want something colder, check out Sweet Central across the street.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Open House: Peekskill Colonial
Open House: Saturday, 11:00 to 1:00. 324 Montross Avenue, Peekskill
This 1919 colonial has 1,880 square feet and 3 bedrooms. There are some some nice details and a good deal of charm. The house is on "Mortgage Hill" on a dead-end road which has a pedestrian entry into Depew Park. It's also a short walk into the art district and to the river. Sweet. $439,000
River Towns GMAC, Google Map
Friday, September 21, 2007
Pond Front Contempo
What this listing has going for it is the two L's, land and location. The house itself is a pleasant 1970 contemporary with some appealing features. At 2,900 square feet, it has 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. What's special is the 4.25 acres with pond frontage in the Mt. Airy section of Croton. The property looks lovely, and the heated pool doesn't look too shabby either. The listing has been on the market for a bit, and the price seems a tad high in the current market. $995,000
Houlihan Lawrence, Google Map
Weekend Events
Some fun for the family:
Native American Harvest Help harvest the corn, beans and squash in the Nature Center's garden and then enjoy a "green corn festival" featuring toasted ears and Native American lore. Saturday, 10:00 to 1:00, Croton Point Park
Bees: Our Food Producers A beekeeper shares the secrets of keeping bees and explains how bees help put food on your table. Saturday 1:00, Trailside Nature Museum, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
Scarecrow Making Learn how to make a truly scary scarecrow. Bring old clothes and a hat. Pre-registration required. Sunday, 1:00 to 3:00, Muscoot Farm
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Watch the children's classic and then join in a discussion of the movie led by an educator. Kids who bring a copy of the book get in free. Sunday, 12:00, Jacob Burns Film Center
Meet the Artist Scott Menchin, the illustrator of Wiggle, reads and signs some of his books. Sunday, 3:30, Katonah Museum of Art
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Carriage House
This charming Peekskill carriage house is a treasure. Clocking in at only 1,389 square feet, the home makes up for lack of space with loads of character. The 1880 house has 3 bedrooms and has been nicely restored (including new roof, wiring, and other mechanicals). The small lot includes a sweet rear yard and is located just off of Hudson Street, a short walk to the train station and Riverfront Green Park. After much searching, I was unable to find a website for the listing agent, Dolores Leonard Ltd. They can be reached at 914-490-4069. To view the home online, use any major agency's site, such as Houlihan Lawrence. $314,500 Google Map
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A New View
Monday, September 17, 2007
Enchanted Castle
With no new listings hitting the market, I've been looking at those that have been sitting for awhile. This 1880 Victorian on the edge of Katonah village has recently had it's price slashed (I think it was listed at 1.8, but I could be mistaken). The 3,700 square foot house has 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths, and a lot of original detail. (Get a load of that baronial fireplace mantle!) The 8 acre property looks lovely. It's near-impossible to say what is "well-priced" in this shifting market, but this one does seem like a good deal at it's current price. Agree? $1,489,000 Houlihan Lawrence, Google Map
Friday, September 14, 2007
Cutie in Kisco

Right upfront: Not only is this house on very busy Route 133, it's right next to the Saw Mill Parkway. So if you're looking for serenity and quiet: Not the place for you. If you're still interested, the 1820 house has 1,700 square feet, 3 bedrooms, and lovely details. The kitchen and bathroom are nicely updated, and the porch is ready for rocking. The property is 0.42 of an acre and is a short walk to Mt. Kisco's many pleasures. $725,000 Houlihan Lawrence, Google Map
Event Round-Up
There's so much going on this weekend, I had a very hard time picking my favorites.
Hudson River Valley Ramble This weekend kicks off the more than 160 events throughout the Hudson Valley. There's hiking, biking, walking, and paddling at a variety of locations, many in our area. Hudson River Valley Ramble
Explore the Hudson by Sail Join the Ossining Sailing Club for a 2 hour sail. Non-sailors are welcome. Saturday, 10:00 and 2:00, meet next to the Ossining Boat and canoe Club, (914) 523-4230
Native American Festival The 11th annual festival in Ridgefield's Ballard Park features tradtional music, dance, and food by members of local tribes. There will be teepees, too. Saturday, 10:00-6:00
Ferry-Go-Round Free ferry service between Ossining, Harverstraw, and Peekskill. Each village has bus service from the ferries to various events, including street fairs and a tour of Peekskill's art museum. See the website for details. Sunday, 11:00-6:00 Ferry-Go-Round
Size Matters The opening of the HVCCA's newest show, featuring 31 artists from 9 different countries. The show, XXL, focuses on monumental art. As part of Ferry-Go-Round, there will also be fun for kids, including workshops on spin art and "zine" making. Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art
Homestead Country Fair The John Jay Homestead's 15th annual fair includes "swimming pig races, hayrides, pony rides, a petting zoo, magician, blacksmith and henna tattoos." Can't miss that. Katonah, Sunday, 11:00-4:00 John Jay Homestead
Macro Invertebrate Mania Kids can grab a net and see what tiny creatures live in the mud. Sunday, 1:00 Teatown Lake Reservation
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Art Farm

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Cool Contempo

This 1973 Croton contemporary has style--and a killer view. While the kitchen really isn't working for me, the living room more than makes up for it. At 2,500 square feet, the house has 4 bedrooms. Located off of Lounsbury Road, the 0.92 acre property has a country feel but is a short stroll to the arboretum and is close to the village and train station. Oh, and there is a nice-looking pool, too. A big draw-back is the tax bill of $18,000 (which seems quite high for a moderate-size home on a small lot). What do you think of the price? $1,195,000 Houlihan Lawrence, Google Map
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Country Cape
I had expected a rush of new listings come September, but I was wrong. Of the shockingly small handful of additions in the last 2 weeks, this listing is a definite standout. The 1933 cape is located in Sommers (with a Katonah P.O.), near Yorktown Heights' stores and between Lasdon Park and Muscoot Farm. The home has a pleasing blend of country sweetness and contemporary coolness, with a bright and airy kitchen. At 1,923 square feet, there are 3 bedrooms and 2 renovated baths. The 2 acre property is lovely, and features a small orchard and a pool. Pretty nice. $975,000 Houlihan Lawrence, Google Map
Friday, September 7, 2007
Barn Good

Weekend Family Events

Cortlandt Family Fun Day Attractions include the 30 foot high Victory Lap Slide, Obstacle Course and Jumbo Bounce. Cortlandt Train Station. Saturday, 11:00 to 3:00.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
BIG PICTURE/little picture
If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, what is miniaturization? Artist Richard Pettibone makes mini versions of great works of art based on photos. (Above is his rendition of Victor Vasarley's Orion MC 1964.) The Neuberger is showing a number of his under 5-inch versions along side the originals by artists such as Joseph Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Vassily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, Bridget Riley, and Charmion von Weigand. Sounds interesting. September 2-January 6. Nueberger Museum of Art
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Modern Bargain
When I first saw this listing I thought that prices must have dropped far more than I had realized. After doing a drive-by and

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Look Back, Fall Forward
Now that the Summer Slump is coming to an end and the new season is about to begin, it seems like a good time to review. Of the houses I've featured since starting the site in early June, as of last week only 7 had gone into contract. However, my main source of information for this was Houlihan Lawrence's site, which has suddenly stopped listing the status of properties. (Which strikes me as a stupid move, since it now looks as if listings are sitting on the market for many months more than they actually are.) At the same time, only one property has had it's price cut. Of those that I've featured that are still available, here are my three favorites:
1. The 1759 Chadeayne Homestead in Yorktown. 4,000 square feet. 5 bedrooms. 1.6 acres. $1,100,000, Original post, Houlihan Lawrence
2. 1936 early modern in Croton. 3,200 square feet. 4 bedrooms. 2 acres. $1,095,000 (reduced), Original post, River Towns GMAC Realty
3. 1777 farmhouse in Ossining. 3,500 square feet. 5 bedrooms. 4 acres. $929,000, Original post, Houlihan Lawrence